Must-Follow SEO Influencers for 2024: Gain Valuable Insights and Stay Informed

In the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization (SEO), staying ahead of the curve is not just a goal; it’s a necessity. As 2024 unfolds, the SEO landscape is poised for exciting shifts, promising new trends, and fresh challenges. To navigate this dynamic world effectively, it’s crucial to have mentors and guides who are not only experts in their craft but are also at the forefront of these changes.

That’s where this list comes into play. We’ve curated a selection of SEO influencers who are expected to shine even brighter in 2024. These thought leaders and digital marketing wizards have been diligently shaping the SEO landscape and are poised to make a significant impact this year. Whether you’re a seasoned SEO professional, a budding digital marketer, or simply someone who wants to stay informed about the latest SEO developments, these influencers should be at the top of your list to follow.

So, if you’re eager to ride the waves of SEO success in 2024, join us as we introduce you to the SEO influencers who are set to be the guiding stars in this year’s SEO journey. From their invaluable insights and thought-provoking content to their astute analysis of the latest SEO trends, these individuals are the compass that will help you navigate the ever-changing SEO seas with confidence and expertise. Let’s meet the SEO influencers you should keep a close eye on in 2024!

1. Rand Fishkin

Rand Fishkin - marketingoceans

Twitter: @randfish

Bio: Rand Fishkin is a veteran in the world of SEO and the co-founder and CEO of SparkToro. He’s a thought leader who often shares data-driven insights and trends on his blog and social media.

Why Follow Rand: Rand’s in-depth knowledge of SEO, digital marketing, and his knack for simplifying complex concepts make him a must-follow influencer. He’ll help you understand the intricacies of SEO in 2024.

2. Aleyda Solis

Aleyda Solis

Twitter: @aleyda 

Bio: Aleyda Solis, founder of Orainti, is renowned for her technical SEO expertise. She is a respected international SEO consultant who shares detailed strategies and case studies.

Why Follow Aleyda: Aleyda’s focus on technical SEO and her in-depth blog posts will help you master the technical aspects of SEO and stay updated on the latest Google algorithm changes.

3. Brian Dean

Brian dean-marketingoceans

Twitter: @Backlinko

Bio: Brian Dean, the mind behind Backlinko, is famous for creating actionable and data-backed SEO content. His blog and YouTube channel are go-to resources for SEO enthusiasts.

Why Follow Brian: Brian’s ability to distill complex SEO tactics into actionable steps makes him an invaluable influencer. Stay tuned for his expert advice on link building and on-page optimization.

4. Lily Ray

Lila ray - marketingoceans

Twitter: @lilyraynyc

Bio: Lily Ray is a sought-after SEO expert known for her expertise in E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) and core web vitals. She provides detailed insights into these crucial areas. 

Why Follow Lily: In 2024, Google’s emphasis on E-A-T and web vitals is expected to grow. Lily’s insights will help you adapt your SEO strategy accordingly.

5. Cyrus Shepard

Cyrus SEO - marketingoceans

Twitter: @CyrusShepard

Bio: Cyrus Shepard, a former Moz employee, is a respected SEO expert. His content focuses on strategies to improve website visibility and search engine rankings.

Why Follow Cyrus: Cyrus offers actionable advice and insights that can significantly impact your site’s SEO performance. Stay updated on his recommendations for on-page and off-page optimization.

6. Marie Haynes

Marie Haynes - marketingoceans

Twitter: @Marie_Haynes

Bio: Marie Haynes is an expert on Google’s algorithm updates and penalties. Her blog and newsletter are essential for website owners and SEO professionals.

Why Follow Marie: In 2024, Google’s algorithms will continue to evolve. Marie’s guidance will help you navigate and understand the impact of these changes on your site’s rankings.

7. Britney Muller

Bitney muller - marketingoceans

Twitter: @BritneyMuller

Bio: Britney Muller is an SEO scientist at Moz, offering unique insights into search engine behavior and emerging SEO trends.

Why Follow Britney: Britney’s insights into search engine behavior and trends can help you stay ahead of the curve and adapt your SEO strategies to meet the changing landscape.

8. Barry Schwartz

barry schwartz - marketingoceans


Twitter: @rustybrick

Bio: Barry Schwartz is the founder of Search Engine Roundtable, a reputable source of SEO news and updates. He’s a trusted authority in the SEO community.

Why Follow Barry: Barry is your go-to source for the latest Google algorithm updates, industry news, and insightful commentary. His expertise can keep you informed about the ever-evolving SEO landscape.

9. Jono Alderson

jono alderson - marketingoceans

Twitter: @jonoalderson

Bio: Jono Alderson, a digital strategist at Yoast, specializes in technical SEO and web performance. He’s passionate about optimizing websites for both search engines and users.

Why Follow Jono: In 2024, technical SEO and web performance will be critical. Jono’s expertise will guide you in creating websites that excel in both aspects.

10. Loren Baker

loren baker -marketingoceans

Twitter: @lorenbaker

Bio: Loren Baker, the founder of Search Engine Journal, is a respected SEO influencer and journalist. He delivers industry news, insights, and thought leadership.

Why Follow Loren: Loren is a reliable source of SEO news and trends. His content provides a comprehensive view of the SEO landscape, helping you make informed decisions in 2024.

11. Cindy Krum

clindy krum - marketingoceans

Twitter: @Suzzicks

Bio: Cindy Krum, the CEO of MobileMoxie, is a mobile SEO specialist. She’s an authority on mobile search and mobile-first indexing.

Why Follow Cindy: With mobile search becoming increasingly important, following Cindy will help you optimize your site for mobile SEO and keep up with the latest trends in this area.

12. Bill Slawski

bill slawski marketingocean

Twitter: @bill_slawski 

Bio: Bill Slawski is a search engine patent expert and the founder of SEO by the Sea. He focuses on understanding Google’s patents and algorithms.

Why Follow Bill: Bill’s deep understanding of Google’s patents and algorithms can provide you with insights into the future of search and how to adapt your strategies accordingly.

13. Ann Smarty

seo smarty - marketingoceans

Twitter: @seosmarty

Bio: Ann Smarty is a veteran in the SEO and digital marketing industry. She’s the brand and community manager at Internet Marketing Ninjas and has a wealth of experience in content marketing, link building, and social media. Ann is the founder of MyBlogU, a platform that helps content creators brainstorm and collaborate.

Why Follow Ann: Ann’s expertise in content marketing and link building is invaluable for anyone looking to improve their website’s online presence. Her insights into social media and community management are also highly relevant for modern SEO strategies. In 2024, as SEO becomes increasingly intertwined with content and community engagement, Ann’s guidance will be essential for staying ahead of the curve. Follow her for practical tips and a deep understanding of the ever-changing SEO landscape.

14. Dixon Jones

dixon jones - marketingoceans

Twitter: @Dixon_Jones

Bio: Dixon Jones, a well-known SEO speaker and author, is the founder of He provides insights into link building strategies and effective SEO practices.

Why Follow Dixon: Dixon’s expertise in link building can help you improve your site’s authority and visibility in search results. Stay updated on his recommendations for creating high-quality backlinks.

15. Julie Joyce

julie joyce - marketingoceans

Twitter: @JulieJoyce

Bio: Julie Joyce is the owner of Link Fish Media and is a prominent figure in the field of link building and content marketing.

Why Follow Julie: Link building remains a critical component of SEO, and Julie’s insights and strategies in this area can help you enhance your site’s visibility and authority.

16. Wil Reynolds

wil reynolds - marketingoceans

Twitter: @wilreynolds

Bio: Wil Reynolds is the founder of Seer Interactive and focuses on the intersection of SEO and user experience.

Why Follow Wil: Wil’s focus on user experience and SEO can provide you with insights into creating websites that not only rank well but also provide an excellent user experience.

17. Dana DiTomaso

dana ditomaso - marketingoceans

Twitter: @danaditomaso

Bio: Dana DiTomaso is the president of KickPoint and specializes in local SEO and Google Analytics.

Why Follow Dana: Local SEO continues to be crucial for businesses, and Dana’s expertise in this area can help you improve your local search presence and performance.

18. Roger Montti

roger montti - marketingoceans

Twitter: @martinibuster 

Bio: Roger Montti is a renowned SEO consultant and writer known for his insights on Google updates and algorithm changes.

Why Follow Roger: Google updates are frequent, and Roger’s insights can help you understand and adapt to these changes to maintain and improve your site’s rankings.

19. Marieke van de Rakt

mariekerakt - marketingoceans

Twitter: @MariekeRakt

Bio: Marieke van de Rakt is the CEO of Yoast and a prominent voice in on-page SEO and content optimization.

Why Follow Marieke: On-page SEO and content optimization are fundamental for SEO success. Marieke’s expertise in these areas can help you enhance your site’s content and structure for better search visibility.

20. Glen Allsopp

glen allsopp - marketingoceans

Twitter: @ViperChill

Bio: Glen Allsopp is an SEO and marketing expert, known for his in-depth blog posts and marketing experiments.

Why Follow Glen: Glen’s unique approach to SEO and marketing can provide you with fresh perspectives and innovative strategies for improving your site’s visibility and performance.


As we wrap up our exploration of the SEO influencers to follow in 2024, it’s abundantly clear that the world of search engine optimization is in good hands. These influential experts are not just keeping up with the ever-shifting SEO landscape but are driving its evolution. With their guidance, you can expect to stay at the forefront of SEO trends, strategies, and best practices.

In 2024, the SEO journey promises to be filled with exciting developments. From advancements in AI and machine learning to new algorithms and user experience considerations, the challenges and opportunities are abundant. And the influencers we’ve introduced you to are more than equipped to help you navigate this evolving terrain. 

Remember, following these SEO thought leaders isn’t just about gaining knowledge; it’s about joining a community of like-minded professionals who share a passion for search engine optimization. So, don’t hesitate to engage with their content, attend their webinars, and participate in discussions. The more you immerse yourself in this world, the more you’ll gain from their expertise.

Lastly, keep in mind that the SEO landscape is dynamic, and the influencers we’ve highlighted are just a snapshot of who’s influential today. Be sure to keep an eye out for emerging talent and evolving strategies as the year progresses. After all, the world of SEO never stops, and with these influencers as your guides, you’re well on your way to a successful 2024 in the digital marketing realm. Here’s to a year of SEO success and innovation!

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